A miracle of birth...
An enigmatic structure rose
From deep within the earth...
It seemed to happen overnight
While planes flew overhead,
It's no new retail outlet, though...
It's something else instead..
Perhaps it meets an ancient need -
A kind of cure, no less?
In a dismal hub of commerce
Filled with travellers stuffed with stress..
"The cost of living is too high,
My plane has been delayed...
I long to link with moon and stars
In a sunlight-dappled glade...
To dump my briefcase by the road
And leave my phone behind...
And dance around with nothing on
And liberate my mind...
To join a long-lost pagan tribe...
Escape these dull commuters...
Delete these wretched spreadsheets
And set fire to my computer....!"
While cynics may declare the site
A modernist revenge,
True Druids flock from miles around -
"Behold....The New Stonehenge! "
(with sincere thanks to the developers at Leeds Bradford Airport for building...whatever THIS is....)
Really love this one Helena. It flows so well and really brought a smile to my face.